Microscopy of Nanoscale Structures & Mechanisms

Insight into our work in the KIT Excellence Cluster 3DMM2O

The video shows the printing of microstructures and the examination of the samples in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). 3D microstructures are printed on a silicon chip by means of 2 photon polymerization. The further processing of the sample is done by drying by means of critical point drying. Subsequently, the sample can be attached to a SEM suitable sample holder and examined in the electron microscope. Three different printed structures are shown in the video, which will be examined in the future with regard to influencing factors such as pressure and temperature, after a pyrolysis process. Finally, the sample is prepared for the transmission electron microscope (TEM), inserted into the sample holder and introduced into the TEM.


Research areas

We are curios to understand how nano- and microstructures of materials form during processing and service and how they affect structural and functional properties. We presently work on single crystal superalloys (SX), high entropy alloys (HEA), functional magnetic Heusler and half Heusler (H/hH) compounds and new small-scale nano and micro engineered systems (excellence cluster 3DMM2O) on the atomic (crystals) respectively molecular (soft matter) scale.

Electron microscopy enables us to dive in into the nano-cosmos of materials and to discover yet unknown fundamental processes and materials phenomena.

Thus, we are fascinated

  • to see how plastic deformation unfolds in microstructures of high-performance metallic materials, where we aim at understanding the role of dislocations, planar faults and solute segregation to these crystal defects.
  • to directly observe solid state reactions like phase decompositions and coarsening processes in multiphase materials on the nanoscale and to explore how these processes affect functional and structural properties.
  • to explore which nano- and microstructural configurations rationalize magnetic properties and how these can be optimized.
  • to characterize Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF), to study their synthesis and to explore possible nanoscale applications.

Our group closely collaborates with national and international research partners.

Please contact us in case you are interested to collaborate. We always welcome suggestions for collaborations and our group represents a fruitful scientific environment for postdoctoral researchers from all over the world. (applications welcome)

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Yolita M. Eggeler, and all members of the MNM-group at LEM


Assessment of the compositional requirements to form Fe-Mn-C austenite-martensite composites
Muench, M.; Gholizadeh, R.; Tsuji, N.; Peterlechner, M.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Riedel, J. L.; Eusterholz, M. K.; Heilmaier, M.; Kauffmann, A.
2025. doi:10.5445/IR/1000179806Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Overcoming Fundamental Barriers for Novel Refractory High Temperature Candidate Alloys
Kauffmann, A.; Obert, S.; Schliephake, D.; Hinrichs, F.; Winkens, G.; Falcão, G.; Eusterholz, M.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Gombola, C.; Thota, H.; Cong, X.; Beichert, B.; Kramer, L. K.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Eggeler, Y.; Galetz, M. C.; Inui, H.; Heilmaier, M.
2024, November 28. Seminar des Lehrstuhls für Allgemeine Werkstoffeigenschaften, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Erlangen-Nürnberg (2024), Erlangen, Germany, November 28, 2024 
Atomically Smooth Fully Hydroxylated CeO₂(001) Films on YSZ(001)
Schober, J.-C.; Beck, E. E.; Kao, M.-C.; Kohantorabi, M.; Creutzburg, M.; Novikov, D. V.; Keller, T. F.; Holtermann, B.; Firman, N.; Caulfield, L.; Sauter, E.; Vonk, V.; Wöll, C.; Wang, Y.; Noei, H.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Stierle, A.
2024. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128 (46), 19795–19806. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c04438Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Printed Lateral p–n Junction for Thermoelectric Generation
Mallick, M. M.; Franke, L.; Hussein, M.; Rösch, A. G.; Long, Z.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Lemmer, U.
2024. Small Science, 4 (11), 2400257. doi:10.1002/smsc.202400257Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Revealing Intrinsic Functionalization, Structure, and Photo‐Thermal Oxidation in Hexagonal Antimonene
Alcaraz, M.; Fickert, M.; Dolle, C.; Changarath, M. E.; Sánchez-Royo, J. F.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Abellán, G.
2024. Small, Art.-Nr.: 2404319. doi:10.1002/smll.202404319Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
High Power Density AgSe/SbBiTe‐Based Fully Printed Origami Thermoelectric Module for Low‐Grade Thermal Energy Harvesting
Franke, L.; Rösch, A. G.; Khan, M. I.; Zhang, Q.; Long, Z.; Brunetti, I.; Joglar, M. N.; Lara, A. M.; Simão, C. D.; Geßwein, H.; Nefedov, A.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Lemmer, U.; Mallick, M. M.
2024. Advanced Functional Materials, 34 (40), Art.-Nr.: 2403646. doi:10.1002/adfm.202403646Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Dramatic Impact of Materials Combinations on the Chemical Organization of Core–Shell Nanocrystals: Boosting the Tm Emission above 1600 nm
Arteaga Cardona, F.; Madirov, E.; Popescu, R.; Wang, D.; Busko, D.; Ectors, D.; Kübel, C.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Arús, B. A.; Chmyrov, A.; Bruns, O. T.; Richards, B. S.; Hudry, D.
2024. ACS Nano, 18 (38), 26233–26250. doi:10.1021/acsnano.4c07932
The Creep‐induced Micro‐ and Nanostructural Evolution of a Eutectic Mo‐Si‐Ti Alloy at 1200 °C
Schliephake, D.; Thota, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Wu, H.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Eggeler, Y. M.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, 26 (17), 2301909. doi:10.1002/adem.202301909Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Enhanced Performance of Laser-Induced Graphene Supercapacitors via Integration with Candle-Soot Nanoparticles
Ghosh, A.; Kaur, S.; Verma, G.; Dolle, C.; Azmi, R.; Heissler, S.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Mondal, K.; Mager, D.; Gupta, A.; Korvink, J. G.; Wang, D.-Y.; Sharma, A.; Islam, M.
2024. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 16 (31), 40313–40325. doi:10.1021/acsami.4c07094
Segregation to Creep-induced Planar Faults in Ni-base Single Crystal Superalloys
Long, Z.; Bürger, D.; Dolle, C.; Dai, Y.; Vamsi, K. V.; Eggeler, Y. M.
2024. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30 (Supplement_1), 1266 – 1267. doi:10.1093/mam/ozae044.625
Deformation mechanisms and defect structures in Heusler intermetallic MnCu Al
Rhodes, B. E.; Mayer, J. A.; Xu, S.; Lamb, J. D.; Wendorf, J.; Echlin, M. P.; Pollock, T. M.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Beyerlein, I. J.; Gianola, D. S.
2024. Acta Materialia, 268, Art.-Nr.: 119711. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2024.119711Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Microarchitected Compliant Scaffolds of Pyrolytic Carbon for 3D Muscle Cell Growth
Taale, M.; Schamberger, B.; Monclus, M. A.; Dolle, C.; Taheri, F.; Mager, D.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Korvink, J. G.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M.; Selhuber-Unkel, C.; Lantada, A. D.; Islam, M.
2024. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 13 (9). doi:10.1002/adhm.202303485Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Raw Data to "The Creep-induced Micro- and Nanostructural Evolution of a Eutectic Mo-Si-Ti Alloy at 1200 °C"
Schliephake, D.; Thota, H.; Kauffmann, A.; Wu, H.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.; Eggeler, Y. M. M.
2024, March 28. doi:10.35097/UevKjgWEpsUxGdfh
Recent progress in the laser microprinting of semiconductors and metals
Somers, P.; Steurer, M.; Kraus, S.; Feist, F.; Breitung, B.; Marques, G. C.; Weinert, B.; Dolle, C.; Müller, E.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Dehnen, S.; Eggeler, Y.; Feldmann, C.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Wegener, M.
2024. 29th Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM 2024). Ed.: L. Gemini, 18, SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2692064
A multi-photon (7 × 7)-focus 3D laser printer based on a 3D-printed diffractive optical element and a 3D-printed multi-lens array
Kiefer, P.; Hahn, V.; Kalt, S.; Sun, Q.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Wegener, M.
2024. Light: Advanced Manufacturing, 4 (1), 28–41. doi:10.37188/lam.2024.003
One‐Step Fabrication of Carbon Dot‐Based Nanocomposites Powering Solid‐State Random Lasing
Stagi, L.; Carboni, D.; Anedda, R.; Popescu, R.; Eggeler, Y.; Calvillo, L.; Pramanik, A.; Sciortino, A.; Cannas, M.; Messina, F.; Malfatti, L.
2024. Small Structures, Art.-Nr.: 2400498. doi:10.1002/sstr.202400498Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Photothermal Laser Printing of Sub‐Micrometer Crystalline ZnO Structures
Steurer, M.; Somers, P.; Kraft, K.; Grünewald, L.; Kraus, S.; Feist, F.; Weinert, B.; Müller, E.; Dehnen, S.; Feldmann, C.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Barner-Kowollik, C.; Wegener, M.
2024. Advanced Science, Art.-Nr.: 2410771. doi:10.1002/advs.202410771Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Electron microscopic investigation of photothermal laser printed ZnO nanoarchitectures
Kraft, K.; Grünewald, L.; Quintilla, A.; Müller, E.; Steurer, M.; Somers, P.; Kraus, S.; Feist, F.; Weinert, B.; Breitung, B.; Marques, G. C.; Dehnen, S.; Feldmann, C.; Kowollik, C. B.; Wegener, M.; Aghassi, J.; Eggeler, Y.
2024. (K. Qvortrup & K. Weede, Eds.) BIO Web of Conferences, 129, Article no: 24028. doi:10.1051/bioconf/202412924028Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Disulfide‐Bridged Dynamic Covalent Triazine Polymer Thin Films by Interface Polymerization: High Refractive Index with Excellent Optical Transparency
Begum, S.; Kutonova, K.; Mauri, A.; Koenig, M.; Chan, K. C.; Sprau, C.; Dolle, C.; Trouillet, V.; Hassan, Z.; Leonhard, T.; Heißler, S.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Wenzel, W.; Kozlowska, M.; Bräse, S.
2024. Advanced Functional Materials, 34 (20), Art.-Nr.: 2303929. doi:10.1002/adfm.202303929Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Inkjet‐Printed Tungsten Oxide Memristor Displaying Non‐Volatile Memory and Neuromorphic Properties
Hu, H.; Scholz, A.; Dolle, C.; Zintler, A.; Quintilla, A.; Liu, Y.; Tang, Y.; Breitung, B.; Marques, G. C.; Eggeler, Y. M. M.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.
2024. Advanced Functional Materials, 34 (20), Art.Nr.: 2302290. doi:10.1002/adfm.202302290Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
In Situ Pyrolysis of 3D Printed Building Blocks for Functional Nanoscale Metamaterials
Sun, Q.; Dolle, C.; Kurpiers, C.; Kraft, K.; Islam, M.; Schwaiger, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Eggeler, Y. M. M.
2024. Advanced Functional Materials, 34 (20), Art.-Nr.: 2302358. doi:10.1002/adfm.202302358Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
A Review on 3D Architected Pyrolytic Carbon Produced by Additive Micro/Nanomanufacturing
Eggeler, Y. M.; Chan, K. C.; Sun, Q.; Lantada, A. D.; Mager, D.; Schwaiger, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Schröder, R.; Wenzel, W.; Korvink, J. G.; Islam, M.
2024. Advanced Functional Materials, 34 (20), Art.-Nr.: 2302068. doi:10.1002/adfm.202302068Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
High‐Sensitivity Flexible Thermocouple Sensor Arrays Via Printing and Photonic Curing
Mallick, M. M.; Franke, L.; Rösch, A. G.; Hussein, M.; Long, Z.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Lemmer, U.
2024. Advanced Functional Materials, 34 (20), Art.-Nr.: 2301681. doi:10.1002/adfm.202301681Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Development of Refractory Metal-based CCAs with Improved Mechanical Properties
Laube, S.; Schellert, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Gorr, B.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2023, November 13. 3rd World Congress on High Entropy Alloys (HEA 2023), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, November 12–15, 2023 
Hexagonal Hybrid Bismuthene by Molecular Interface Engineering
Dolle, C.; Oestreicher, V.; Ruiz, A. M.; Kohring, M.; Garnes-Portolés, F.; Wu, M.; Sánchez-Santolino, G.; Seijas-Da Silva, A.; Alcaraz, M.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Spiecker, E.; Canet-Ferrer, J.; Leyva-Pérez, A.; Weber, H. B.; Varela, M.; Baldoví, J. J.; Abellán, G.
2023. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145 (23), 12487–12498. doi:10.1021/jacs.2c13036Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Electrical Conductivity and Photodetection in 3D‐Printed Nanoporous Structures via Solution‐Processed Functional Materials
Xia, K.; Dong, Z.; Sun, Q.; Debastiani, R.; Liu, S.; Jin, Q.; Li, Y.; Paetzold, U. W.; Gumbsch, P.; Lemmer, U.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Levkin, P. A.; Hernandez-Sosa, G.
2023. Advanced Materials Technologies, 8 (23), Art.Nr.: 2300408. doi:10.1002/admt.202300408Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Inducing skyrmion flop transitions in CoZnMn at room temperature
Meynell, S. A.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Bocarsly, J. D.; Kitchaev, D. A.; Rhodes, B. E.; Pollock, T. M.; Wilson, S. D.; Van der Ven, A.; Seshadri, R.; De Graef, M.; Jayich, A. B.; Gianola, D. S.
2023. Physical Review Materials, 7 (4), Art.-Nr.: 044401. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.044401
Mechanical response of pesting-resistant Mo-Si-Ti alloys for high temperature applications
Kauffmann, A.; Schliephake, D.; Obert, S.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Hinrichs, F.; Winkens, G.; Wu, H.; Thota, H.; Eggeler, Y.; Mücklich, F.; Engstler, M.; Gorr, B.; Heilmaier, M.
2023, January 6. International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture (ICPDF 2023), Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, January 3–9, 2023 
Formation and thermal stability of two-phase microstructures in Al-containing refractory compositionally complex alloys
Kauffmann, A.; Laube, S.; Schellert, S.; Seils, S.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Greiner, C.; Eggeler, Y.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2023. International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials : Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications (Thermec 2023), Vienna, Austria, July 2–7, 2023 
Electrospun carbon nanofibre-assisted patterning of metal oxide nanostructures
Islam, M.; Dolle, C.; Sadaf, A.; Weidler, P. G.; Sharma, B.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Mager, D.; Korvink, J. G.
2022. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 8 (1), Art.Nr. 71. doi:10.1038/s41378-022-00409-8Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Improved work hardening capability and ductility of an additively manufactured and deformed Al-Mn-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy
Schliephake, D.; Lopes, C.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Chen, H.; Freudenberger, J.; Bayoumy, D.; Huang, A. J.; Kauffmann, A.
2022. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 924, Artkl.Nr.: 166499. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.166499Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
A novel nitridation- and pesting-resistant Cr-Si-Mo alloy
Hinrichs, F.; Kauffmann, A.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Schliephake, D.; Beichert, B.; Winkens, G.; Beck, K.; Ulrich, A. S.; Galetz, M. C.; Long, Z.; Thota, H.; Eggeler, Y.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Corrosion Science, 207, Art.-Nr.: 110566. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110566Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
In Situ Pyrolysis of 3D Printed Microstructures – an ESEM Study
Sun, Q.; Dolle, C.; Kurpiers, C.; Schwaiger, R.; Gumbsch, P.; Eggeler, Y. M.
2022. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 28 (S1), 2346–2348. doi:10.1017/S1431927622009011
Solid and Hollow Poly(p-xylylene) Particles Synthesis via Metal–Organic Framework-Templated Chemical Vapor Polymerization
Begum, S.; Behboodi-Sadabad, F.; Pramudya, Y.; Dolle, C.; Kozlowska, M.; Hassan, Z.; Mattern, C.; Gorji, S.; Heißler, S.; Welle, A.; Koenig, M.; Wenzel, W.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Bräse, S.; Lahann, J.; Tsotsalas, M.
2022. Chemistry of Materials, 34 (14), 6268–6278. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c00111Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Metal–Metal Bonding as an Electrode Design Principle in the Low-Strain Cluster Compound LiScMo 3 O 8
Wyckoff, K. E.; Kaufman, J. L.; Baek, S. W.; Dolle, C.; Zak, J. J.; Bienz, J.; Kautzsch, L.; Vincent, R. C.; Zohar, A.; See, K. A.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Pilon, L.; Van der Ven, A.; Seshadri, R.
2022. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144 (13), 5841–5854. doi:10.1021/jacs.1c12070
Photonic Curing Enables Ultrarapid Processing of Highly Conducting β-CuSe Printed Thermoelectric Films in Less Than 10 ms
Mallick, M. M.; Franke, L.; Rösch, A. G.; Geßwein, H.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Lemmer, U.
2022. ACS Omega, 7 (12), 10695–10700. doi:10.1021/acsomega.2c00412
Ultra-flexible β-Cu2-δSe-based p-type printed thermoelectric films
Mallick, M. M.; Sarbajna, A.; Rösch, A. G.; Franke, L.; Geßwein, H.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Lemmer, U.
2022. Applied materials today, 26, Art.Nr. 101269. doi:10.1016/j.apmt.2021.101269
A novel pesting and nitridation resistant Mo-Si-Cr alloy
Hinrichs, F.; Kauffmann, A.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Schliephake, D.; Beichert, B.; Winkens, G.; Beck, K.; Ulrich, S. A.; Galetz, M. C.; Long, Z.; Thota, H.; Eggeler, Y.; Pundt, A.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2022), Darmstadt, Germany, September 27–29, 2022 
Formation and thermal stability of two-phase microstructures in Al-containing refractory compositionally complex alloys
Laube, S.; Kauffmann, A.; Schellert, S.; Seils, S.; Tirunilai, A. S.; Greiner, C.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Gorr, B.; Christ, H.-J.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 23 (1), 692–706. doi:10.1080/14686996.2022.2132118Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Realizing High Thermoelectric Performance of Bi-Sb-Te-Based Printed Films through Grain Interface Modification by an In Situ-Grown β-Cu2-δSe Phase
Mallick, M. M.; Franke, L.; Rösch, A. G.; Ahmad, S.; Geßwein, H.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Rohde, M.; Lemmer, U.
2021. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 13 (51), 61386–61395. doi:10.1021/acsami.1c13526Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Disordered interfaces enable high temperature thermal stability and strength in a nanocrystalline aluminum alloy
Balbus, G. H.; Kappacher, J.; Sprouster, D. J.; Wang, F.; Shin, J.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Rupert, T. J.; Trelewicz, J. R.; Kiener, D.; Maier-Kiener, V.; Gianola, D. S.
2021. Acta materialia, 215, Art.-Nr.: 116973. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2021.116973
Influence of plastic deformation on the magnetic properties of Heusler MnAuAl
Levin, E. E.; Kitchaev, D. A.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Mayer, J. A.; Behera, P.; Gianola, D. S.; Van der Ven, A.; Pollock, T. M.; Seshadri, R.
2021. Physical review materials, 5 (1), Art.-Nr.: 014408. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.014408
Design of Nickel-Cobalt-Ruthenium multi-principal element alloys
Charpagne, M. A.; Vamsi, K. V.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Murray, S. P.; Frey, C.; Kolli, S. K.; Pollock, T. M.
2020. Acta materialia, 194, 224–235. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2020.05.003
Interfacial structure and strain accommodation in two-phase Nb Co Sn Heusler intermetallics
Eggeler, Y. M.; Levin, E. E.; Wang, F.; Kitchaev, D. A.; Van der Ven, A.; Seshadri, R.; Pollock, T. M.; Gianola, D. S.
2020. Physical review materials, 4 (9), Art.-Nr.: 093601. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.4.093601
The Effect of Alloying on the Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of Co–Ti–Cr-Based Superalloys
Zenk, C. H.; Volz, N.; Bezold, A.; Huber, L.-K.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Spiecker, E.; Göken, M.; Neumeier, S.
2020. Superalloys 2020: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Superalloys. Ed.: S. Tin, 909–919, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-51834-9_89
Using Rapid Thermal Annealing for Studying Early Stages of High-Temperature Oxidation of Superalloys
Kubacka, D.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Volz, N.; Neumeier, S.; Spiecker, E.
2020. Superalloys 2020: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Superalloys. Ed.: S. Tin, 763–770, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-51834-9_74
Tension/Compression asymmetry of a creep deformed single crystal Co-base superalloy
Lenz, M.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Müller, J.; Zenk, C. H.; Volz, N.; Wollgramm, P.; Eggeler, G.; Neumeier, S.; Göken, M.; Spiecker, E.
2019. Acta materialia, 166, 597–610. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2018.12.053
Characterisation of Misfit Dislocations at Semicoherent Interfaces in Biphasic Functional Heusler Intermetallics
Eggeler, Y.; Levin, E. E.; Wang, F.; Seshadri, R.; Pollock, T. M.; Gianola, D. S.
2019. Microscopy and microanalysis, 25 (S2), 1916–1917. doi:10.1017/S1431927619010316
On the nucleation of planar faults during low temperature and high stress creep of single crystal Ni-base superalloys
Wu, X.; Dlouhy, A.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Spiecker, E.; Kostka, A.; Somsen, C.; Eggeler, G.
2018. Acta materialia, 144, 642–655. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2017.09.063
Identification of a ternary -phase in the Co-Ti-W system – An advanced correlative thin-film and bulk combinatorial materials investigation
Naujoks, D.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Hallensleben, P.; Frenzel, J.; Fries, S. G.; Palumbo, M.; Koßmann, J.; Hammerschmidt, T.; Pfetzing-Micklich, J.; Eggeler, G.; Spiecker, E.; Drautz, R.; Ludwig, A.
2017. Acta materialia, 138, 100–110. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2017.07.037
Combining advanced TEM techniques for full characterization of extended defects in creep-deformed single crystal superalloys
Spiecker, E.; Müller, J.; Eggeler, Y. M.; Lenz, M.
2016. European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings, 780–781, Wiley-VCH Verlag. doi:10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.8697
Analysing the tension/compression asymmetry in creep deformed Co-base superalloys using electron microscopy
Lenz, M.; Eggeler, Y.; Schweizer, P.; Zenk, C.; Neumeier, S.; Göken, M.; Wollgramm, P.; Eggeler, G.; Spiecker, E.
2016. European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings, 221–222, Wiley-VCH Verlag. doi:10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.6787
Planar defect formation in the ′ phase during high temperature creep in single crystal CoNi-base superalloys
Eggeler, Y. M.; Müller, J.; Titus, M. S.; Suzuki, A.; Pollock, T. M.; Spiecker, E.
2016. Acta materialia, 113, 335–349. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.03.077