Contact |
Tel. 0721 608-48682, -46507, -45264 (jonas kaltenbach ∂does-not-exist.kit edu) |
Room | Bldg. 30.22, R. -133.2 |
Source |
Schottky field emitter |
Energy |
Some 100 eV to 30 keV (secondary and backscatter electrons) |
Detectors |
Bruker EDXS Quantax 400 with SDD detector |
Everhart-Thornley-Detektor (ETD) in high vacuum mode |
Large field detector (LFD) in low vacuum mode |
Backscatter electron (BSE) detector in high and low vacuum mode |
Secondary electron (SE) detector for ESEM mode | |
Backscatter electron (BSE) detector for ESEM mode | |
WetSTEM detector | |
Sample holder |
Cryo sample stage for examinations at temperatures down to -100 °C in combination with cryo transfer system and Leica MED 020 with freeze fracture preparation e.g. for aqueous samples |
Sample holder with Peltier element for temperatures between -20 °C and +55 °C | |
Auflösung |
1.2 nm at 30 keV , 3 nm at 1 keV in high vacuum mode |
1.5 nm at 30 keV in low vacuum and ESEM modes | |
Imaging / Spectroscopic methods |
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) |
Environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) imaging of samples containing water at pressures up to 4000 Pa, depending on type of gas |