
Dr. Erich Müller

Tel. 0721 608-48294 (erich mueller does-not-exist.kit edu)

Room Bldg. 30.48, R. -103


Schottky thermal field emission gun (SEM)

Gallium liquid metal ion source (FIB)


20 eV - 30 keV (Secondary and backscatter electrons) (SEM)

500 eV - 30 keV (FIB)
Beam current 0,8 pA - 100 nA (SEM)
0,1 pA - 65 nA (FIB)


EDXS Detektor: Bruker XFlash 6|60 (60mm2 SDD, slew AP3.3. window)

Everhart-Thornley (ETD) detector (for SE and BSE)

In-chamber electron (ICE) detector

Through-lens detector (TLD), mirror detector, In-column detector (ICD)

STEM detector, (BF segment, ADF segments, HAADF segment)

Exchangeable EBSD (Electron Backscatter Diffraction) and TKD (Transmissions-Kikuchi-Beugungs-Analyse) detector



0,34 nm (BF-STEM)

4 nm (FIB)

Imaging /

Spectroscopic methods

Secondary and backscatter electron imaging

Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS)

Crystal structure and orientation determination with EBSD (Electron Backscatter Diffraction)

Focused-ion-beam sectioning, 3-dimensional reconstruction of the sample volume

Low-energy STEM, BF-STEM